December 20, 2023 | News | Comment

Enter the new decade with a popular immersive, one-of-a-kind advertising experience. Capture and retain attention with high-definition LED screen advertising in an environment that is bombarded with advertising messages of all types and across all mediums. 

This latest type of Bebright digital signage is proven to be a crucial tool for both interior and outdoor advertising. Piccadilly Circus in London and Times Square in New York are both famous for their displays.

Overview : 
LED advertising screens are becoming more common in cities all around the world. The feedback has been extraordinarily positive, and demand for this incredible new technology is rapidly increasing.   

A transparent LED display screen is a form of LED display screen that is as clear as glass and contains LED functionalities. It allows viewers to see whatever is displayed on the glass while still offering total covering of the background. 

Unlike transparent LCDs and OLEDs, which require integrated electrical modules to handle visual signals or emit light, a passive transparent display projects images and movies onto a transparent substrate packed with resonance nanoparticles that selectively reflect light. There are some interesting facts about transparent LED screens we will discuss 7 of them:


Unless you have an unlimited budget to spend on monthly electricity expenditures, energy efficiency is critical. When compared to an incandescent bulb, which converts just 10% of electrical energy into light, an LED converts 90%. You'll see how quickly the savings add up when you multiply those percentages by the number of kilowatt-hours on your power bill. Other digital signs use less energy than clear LED displays, such as LCD projectors and even opaque LED displays. The little bulbs have a ten-year lifespan and are affordable to replace. They don't contain mercury or halogen gases, which require special disposal or represent a risk if they shatter, unlike LCD lights. An LED wall will endure longer and be easier to maintain than traditional large-scale projectors, in addition to being less expensive to manufacture and install. As a result, long-term financial savings are realized. The translucent LED screen display may be used for outdoor advertising, visual performance, and architectural design. It has a lot of commercial potentials and a bright future ahead of it. We believe that the future possibilities for the transparent LED screen display are endless.

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